STREET FIGHTER Website of the Wariors Revival Main Logo
STREET FIGHTER Website of the Wariors Revival Main Logo
STREET FIGHTER Website of the Wariors Revival Main Logo
Full Name: Zangief

Height: 7'

Weight: 400 Lbs

Blood Type: A

First Appearance:
Street Fighter II (1991)

Style: Russian/American Wrestling

Alignment: GOOD

Full Name: Zangief

Height: 7'

Weight: 400 Lbs

Blood Type: A

First Appearance:
Street Fighter II (1991)

Style: Russian/American Wrestling

Alignment: GOOD

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heartbeat frequency
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(Click image for full picture on DeviantArt)
  "The long-time big grappler of the Street Fighter series, Zangief "The Red Cyclone" is the Russian wrestler on the roster that has spun his way into the hearts of fans and nearly every title in the franchise. As one of the physically strongest warriors, he frequently dominates his opponents using that raw strength, as well as some of the most uncanny grapples, to make him one iron-muscled opponent you never want to get close to. Though he may have borrowed the double lariat from the ground breaking Mike Haggar, his playstyle has set the tone for almost every fighting game wrestler that has followed thereafter. A loyalist to his country, "the Gief" always shows great pride in his unwavering patriotism and in his unstoppable strength. It doesn't matter if you think he's a good or a bad guy, because with that invincible muscle power, he'll make sure you properly respect him when he locks on that mighty spinning pile driver."

  "B-bitter cold. Gor'kiy." Taking a swig from his flask the heavily-dressed man paused to let the hard liquor roll down his throat. Like a magical elixir sending a warm sensation spreading through his chest, he welcomed the small comfort in contrast to the freezing conditions of the inclement weather. Quickly screwing the top on, lest the snow falls inside, he slid the slim canteen back in his jacket pocket before resting his thick gloved hand on a long rifle. The warm feeling the spirit gave him already starting to dwindle away from the overwhelming cold, "Dæm ɪt! This is ridiculous." Pulling the rifle closer, so he could fold his arms across his shivering body he swore once more when he realized his collar had collected some snowflakes to share with the skin on the back of his neck. "Gah! There is no respite from it! Hours now and not even a volosy of him to be seen! 'Everyday he comes here,' he says. Everyday?! How you know? You come out HERE everyday, comrade? Would like to s-see that, you lenivyy ublyudok!" Regaining his composure he shivered slightly as he pulled the collar tightly around his neck tucking it under the thermal mask. "Yeah ublyudok, right... Who's the one sitting in cold like dumb dog?"  With shoulder leaning against a dwarf pine he looked over to the small tree line next to the mountain's base visually scanning the area hoping to catch any sight of his quarry that had yet to appear. Nothing but rock, bare trees, bushes, and snow. Big surprise. Same thing he'd been looking at all day like a half-frozen fool. The occassional branch cracking and clumped snow falling, the muffled gale passing through the spaces inbetween wood and stone which incessantly whistled like an aggravating reminder of the unforgiving chill in the air. It's like even the wind was audibly telling him he didn't belong here. "Wasn't he supposed to send a specialist for this? Aд, haven't hunted since I was child." A deep growl blasted right next to him in a rush of steam. The sound sent a startling shock to his nerves as the surprise caught him totally off guard. Quicker than he thought he could, his survival reaction caused him to dive forward into a frantic desperate crawl away from the horrible sound. On instinct he whipped his head around to see its origin, causing him to stop in his tracks, and then immediately wished he hadn't done either.  What looked like something out of a myth was a head as wide as the man's shoulders covered in thick brown fur, frosted with ice, hovering next to the tree he was just leaning against.  Teeth bared, humped back with fury in its eyes, was the biggest bear he had ever seen in his life and it was close enough to spit at. All it would have to take is two steps forward on those massive paws and the beast would be on top of him for the kill. One of those paws, he now realized, was unfortunately next to the rifle he left on his desperate dive away from harm. With a push from its front arms the bear rose up to its full height towering over the man in an act of superiority and challenge as it let out a blasting roar deafening the sound of the wind. Rocked with fear the man shut his eyes and held his ears as he said a prayer for himself and for his soon to be fatherless family with tears welling in his eyes. Looking back at his inevitable end he steeled his heart and clenched his fists as he shook uncontrollably in bitter cold and terror, defying the monstrous bear; standing like a stubborn child before the goliath of death.  Then the bear fell backwards, so fast out of his sight, the man thought his mind had finally taken its leave from him. He had to blink twice before accepting what he just saw. "Was that an arm that grabbed it?!" Squinting ahead all he could focus on now was the snow being flung upwards and towards him in a torrent of debris.  A new fear rose up in his throat though he was still rooted to the spot, "Something attacked the bear!" He heard grunts and vicious growls and what almost sounded like, "...laughter?" The ground seemed to vibrate slightly with every impact sending light showers of snow from the surrounding trees and bushes. When it stopped he saw the bear starting to back up on all fours still growling as another form rose up straightening itself to loom over it. For the second time today, the man said a prayer, though this time less out of fear but out of astonishment, for here was yet another of the largest figures he had ever laid eyes on in his life. There standing bare-chested, despite the arctic conditions, backing down a mad bear of such size was none other than a man; a man who seemed nearly as big as the bear itself! Muscled beyond belief, riddled with deep red scars, and sporting a mohawk hairstyle on top of a bearded face, the massive man cracked his knuckles to the sound of splitting rock as he laughed at his beastial adversary. "You good size! Would love to wrestle with you some more, but got places to be my furry friend." The bear, almost in response to the large man's words, stopped its backward walk to hold its ground. "Da! You honor me with your spirit! Let me honor you with mine."  Crouching down he raised his hands with fingers curled, like they were two big paws themselves, holding them in front of the enraged bear issuing a wrestler's challenge. A smile split the brute's bearded face as his eyes almost twinkled with wide-eyed joy, "Big finish!" Suddenly, like a racehorse out the gate, the bear lunged towards the muscular man with a wide swipe of its paw, but the big guy wasn't having it. Leaping forward faster than the strike could land he moved inside the bear's reach as he bent his upper body over its back and wrapped his arms around it in a hug that shared the animal's name. Then in one quick motion he powerlifted the mammoth bear off the ground and jumped. "I quit vodka after today," the shocked man whispered to himself as his eyes tracked the absurd sight in awe.  The jump had taken the wrestler, holding the bear, into the air floating upward at an impossible height before gravity pulled them back down into a steep arc of descent where they began to fall in some kind of spectacular twirl. A blur of man and beast, spinning like a top, coming down at meteoric speed.  With a loud resounding thud the tornado of bodies struck the ground causing a significant splash of snow that obscured the man's view. When it settled, the hulking man, whose broad back was toward him, remained sitting still holding the lower half of the bear almost in a brotherly embrace. "Good match, мой друг," he whispered. Releasing his hold to stand up he paused to look at the bear who was headfirst up to its shoulders in the white powder. The bear, that was somehow still breathing, did not move after that.  It was then that the giant of a man, liken to a conquering warrior of old, threw back his shoulders, thrusted his arms upwards in a triumphant pose, and let out a deep hearty laugh with such vigor that it seemed to echo throughout the countryside with not another sound to be heard. It was as though even the wind itself remained silent in his victory.

"Might makes right! And nothing is mightier than the Red Cyclone!" - Zangief
HD Remix Zangief
SF2 Zangief
SFA Zangief
SFV Zangief © Capcom - Rip by
SF4 Zangief © Capcom - Ripped by S0nofKrypton
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Zangief - SF2 (Arcade)
Zangief - SF2 (SNES)
Zangief - Super SF2 (SNES)
Zangief - SF Collection
Zangief - SFA3
Zangief - Super SF2 Turbo Revival
Zangief - Super SF4
Zangief - SF5
SF2 - Attack

SF2 - Laugh

SF4 - Red Cyclone
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