STREET FIGHTER Website of the Wariors Revival Main Logo
STREET FIGHTER Website of the Wariors Revival Main Logo
STREET FIGHTER Website of the Wariors Revival Main Logo
Full Name: Dhalsim

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 106 Lbs

Blood Type: O

First Appearance:
Street Fighter II (1991)

Style: Yoga

Alignment: GOOD

Full Name: Dhalsim

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 106 Lbs

Blood Type: O

First Appearance:
Street Fighter II (1991)

Style: Yoga

Alignment: GOOD

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heartbeat frequency
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(Click image for full picture on DeviantArt)
 "The mysterious fire-breathing Dhalsim was a game changing character in the world of fighting games.  The ability to stretch his limbs offered extraordinary reach that no other fighter had, along with being one of the first characters able to teleport in the genre.  Though on the slower side in movement and jumping, he is a complex character recommended for players that pride themselves on patience and defense who want to dominate as the passive yoga master."
  There is a way in a path of nothing.  Journeying deeper into the endless.  A state of being inside a being who focuses above ones current state.  Understanding to enlightenment.  No questions need asking while all the answers one could ever need flow into the surrender.  Bhakti welcomes.  Existence within and without.  The universe provides.  Then a sharp cry rings out.  His mind snaps back to the here and now.  Opening pale eyes that see more than just the physical, his feet lower to the ground as he begins to walk towards the little village.  Families pass by carrying baskets with scraps and light vases empty of water.  A young girl sobs into her mother wanting release from the pains in her stomach as she's carried down the dusty path.  An elderly man sitting under a shaded overhang attempts to stand, but decides against it out of a weak shaking defeat as flies circle his frail bronze body.  Hunger and thirst have taken hold of his village.  It has left its beautiful people murky and dim throughout the entire community which now has a prevalent aura as dull as dirt smudged glass.  A tinge of sadness creeps over his heart.  There are many mysteries that have opened up to him as a devout yogi; a wealth of physical and spiritual transcendence, but he cannot conjure food or water out of thin air.  The natural urge for sustenance is something he himself is able to overcome through discipline, but his people are not as fortunate as he and he wouldn't wish to thrust his ways upon them otherwise.  He can tell they look to him for guidance, but even in his great wisdom he has not seen the path.  Where is the sign?  A sound rumbles in the distance as he lets the thought drift away just as the wind seems to pick up with its passing.  Turning sharply towards its origin the Yogi immediately recognizes the dark fog billowing outward as it approaches the village with lethal speed: Dust storm.  Quickly but calmly he closes his eyes as he lets his feet leave the ground and wills himself to the elder in the shade, then to the girl and her mother, then to another family, and another and another.  Within mere moments he moves each one of the villagers that were outside into their respective homes; instantly transported to where they should be to better weather the storm that is about to come.  But not Dhalsim.  He doesn't leave to be with his family on the edge of the village nor does he find shelter from the winds that are now gusting down the streets as the black cloud swallows the sky in front of him.  He faces the storm head on and begins to draw his breath inward.  There is a saying that states 'even in nothing there is something just as in something lies nothing' and likewise for the conciliatory Dhalsim, the tiniest spark of emotion starts to grow in his belly.  A hot spirit of defiance against an element that would do harm to his people that was every bit as equal to a deep resentment for the invisible suffering that has slowly starved their bodies and spirits.  Path or no path, he has had enough!  His people needed to be saved.  Irony would have it that, within this reason, he had found the path.  "For them."  Just as the storm is upon him, Dhalsim breathes out and a rush of fire rips out across the sky.  A torrent of massive flame geysers from his mouth as the dark cloud is pushed in on itself splitting in half as its course is forced into dissipation - creating a path from nothing.  With the storm gone a new wind was beginning to stir within the Yogi Dhalsim.  The sign of foretelling had revealed itself.  This was the path to his peoples' salvation.  Now he knew he had to fight to ensure it.

"I, too, have something I will not relinquish. I shall do all in my power to protect it."  - Dhalsim
SF2 Dhalsim
SFA Dhalsim
SFV Dhalsim © Capcom - Rip by
HD Remix Dhalsim
SF4 Dhalsim © Capcom - Ripped by S0nofKrypton
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Dhalsim - SF2 (Arcade)
Dhalsim - SF2 (SNES)
Dhalsim - Super SF2 (SNES)
Dhalsim - SF Collection
Dhalsim - SFA3
Dhalsim - Super SF2 Turbo Revival
Dhalsim - Super SF4
Dhalsim - SF5
SF2 - Yoga

SF2 - Fire

SF4 - Enlightenment
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